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Disability Rights Unit (DRU) We are committed to working towards the goal of creating an accessible and welcoming environment for all students with disabilities.
Disability Rights Unit (DRU) We are committed to working towards the goal of creating an accessible and welcoming environment for all students with disabilities.
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The Disability Rights Unit (DRU) at Wits is a support unit within the Registrar’s Division committed to working toward the goal of creating an equal, accessible and welcoming environment for all students and staff with disabilities.

We endeavour to make the learning and working experience a rewarding and enriching one and pledge to create awareness of the issues and abilities of people with disabilities amongst the Wits community.



  • To help students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations in academic and non-academic programmes
  • To create awareness of the issues and abilities of people with disabilities amongst the Wits community.
  • To make the learning environment a rewarding and enriching one through the exceptional design of innovative learning and working environments.


The Disability Rights Unit is able to assist students with the following disabilities:

  • Visual
  • Physical
  • Hearing
  • Learning
  • Psychological
  • Speech
  • Chronic illnesses & painful conditions
  • Seizure disorders
  • 足球竞彩app排名s with temporary disabilities (e.g. broken limbs) may request services for the period during which they are disabled
足球竞彩app排名 Registration

In order to access the DRU's world-class services and support, students with disabilities must first register with the unit.

DRU Registration Process

  1. Log into Wits 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service,
  2. On the 足球竞彩app排名 Home Page, click on the Special Needs tile which will take you to the DRU Registration page.
  3. On the right of Term, click the “+” button to start a new registration for the current year.
  4. Indicate the type of disability: In the Diagnosis Code box, select the diagnosis code relevant to your disability.
    • To add multiple disabilities, click the “+” button and select the additional diagnosis code(s).
  5. Indicate the type of Special Need or support you are requesting. In the Special Need box, you must select one special need.
    • If you are applying for extra time and concessions for tests and exams, select “Extra Time”. *Please note: DO NOT select Concessions for Tests/Exams at this stage, as you must be registered first with DRU before this option becomes active.*
    • For disability parking or special drop-off access, select “Other”.
    • To add multiple special needs, click the “+” button and select the additional special needs.
  6. If you are applying for extra time and concessions for tests and exams, select “Extra Time”. To add multiple special needs, click the “+” button and select the additional special needs. *PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT select "Concessions for Tests/Exams" as a special need, as you must first be registered with DRU before this option becomes active.*
  7. Once you have selected the Diagnosis Code(s) and Special Need(s), press the “Submit” button.
  8. After submitting your registration, you will be taken to the 足球竞彩app排名 Center page where you can upload your proof of disability using the To Do List on the top right. See Step 3 in Uploading Proof of Disability below. 
  9. You will also receive an email with instructions on how to upload your proof of disability.

Uploading Proof of Disability

  1. Log into Wits 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service
  2. Go to Documents and Communication or 足球竞彩app排名 Centre. If 足球竞彩app排名 Centre is not one of the tiles on your homepage, click on the Menu button on the top right of 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service, and select Navigator, Self-Service, and 足球竞彩app排名 Centre.
  3. Once on the 足球竞彩app排名 Centre page, look near the top right of the page, you will see a “To Do List”. Click on the orange-coloured “Manage Documents” button.
  4. On the next page, click on “Proof of Disability” and then upload the medical document indicating your disability/condition. Please only upload one file containing any relevant medical information (PDF is preferred).
  5. DRU will then be notified of your submission and will assess your registration and uploaded document.
  6. You will receive communication via your Wits student email address informing you of the process and if there is anything further needed by DRU.

Have a Problem or Query with DRU Registration?

For any DRU registration problems or enquiries, please contact Mr Andrew Sam at:

Extra Time and Concessions for Tests and Exams

Applications for extra time and other concessions for tests and exams are facilitated through the Disability Rights Unit (DRU) and the Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC), where only students with documented disabilities are eligible to apply.

All first-time applicants must comply with the University's policies and procedures on extra time and concessions and be assessed by the University's extra time and concessions team, regardless of any previously granted extra time. Once the application has been approved, a university letter indicating any approved extra time and concessions will be sent to the student.

Returning Wits students with previously Wits-approved extra time and concessions indicating "rest of university career" must register with DRU every year to acquire a renewal extra time and concessions letter for the current year of study (proof of the original university approval letter is required).


足球竞彩app排名 Information regarding Applications for Extra Time and Concessions:

  • Full-time students are supported by the DRU and can apply for extra time and concessions using the indicated process below.

  • WITS Plus (PTY) (short course) students are accommodated by WITS Plus (PTY) and should please contact their course coordinator for disability support.

  • Part-time students are accommodated by the Faculty internally and should contact their course coordinator for disability support.


Closing Date for Applications

To ensure that all students receive their faculty-approved extra time and other concessions before each exam session begins, the closing dates for applications are indicated below, unless in the case of unforeseen temporary or permanent disabilities:

Semester 1 (June examination session): 30 April

Semester 2 (November examination session): 31 August

Please Note: Extra time and concession applications can take a minimum of 5 to 10 working days for approval.


Extra Time and Concessions Application Process for Full-Time Registered 足球竞彩app排名s

Full-time registered students requiring extra time and concessions must follow one of the procedures below. For any queries regarding extra time and concessions, please contact Dr Leila Abdool Gafoor at:

To apply for extra time and concessions, students with disabilities must upload a DRU Medical Practitioner form (to be used for all disabilities except visual disabilities) OR a DRU Eye Care Medical Practitioner form (to be used for visual disabilities only), which their medical practitioner must complete.

Please Note: Applications will only be considered with a completed DRU Medical Practitioner form or DRU Eye Care Medical Practitioner form. Applications will be rejected if any other medical documents are uploaded.

The DRU Medical Practioner forms (in PDF format) can be downloaded below. 


DRU Medical Practitioner Form


DRU Eye Care Practitioner Form


Procedure 1: New Application for Extra Time and Concessions

  1. Full-time registered students who wish to apply for extra time and concessions must first register with the Disability Rights Unit (DRU) via the Wits 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service portal (DRU registration instructions can be found under 足球竞彩app排名 Registration on the DRU homepage).
  2. After DRU registration is approved, students must apply for Extra time and Concessions via Wits 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service, following the step-by-step instructions included in the DRU confirmation of registration email.  
  3. After submitting the Extra time and Concessions application, students must upload the completed DRU Medical Practitioner form as their Concessions for Tests/Exams document in 足球竞彩app排名 Centre or Documents and Communication.
  4. The DRU will be notified of the submission and will assess the application and the uploaded DRU Medical Practitioner form before making recommendations to the Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) for their input.
  5. The CHWC will review the application and make a decision to approve or reject the application. The student will receive communication via their Wits student email address informing them of the application's status and if anything further is needed.
  6. 足球竞彩app排名s whose applications are approved will receive a university letter indicating any approved extra time and concessions.  It is the student's responsibility to inform their course coordinators and lecturers about any university-approved concessions well in advance of any tests/exams/assessments and present the university letter as proof of receiving the indicated concessions.


Procedure 2: Renewal of Wits-Approved Extra Time and Concessions for the Current Year

  1. Returning students with previously Wits-approved extra time and concessions can renew their extra time and concessions for the current year provided they meet the following renewal requirements:
    • The student must register with DRU for the current year, AND
    • The student must have a previous Wits letter indicating extra time and concessions with the “Rest of University Career” duration indicated. If the letter does not state "rest of university career" explicitly, please start a new application using Procedure 1 above.
  2. Returning students who meet the above renewal criteria can renew their extra time and concessions using the steps below.
    • Register with the Disability Rights Unit (DRU) via the Wits 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service portal (DRU registration instructions can be found under 足球竞彩app排名 Registration on the DRU homepage). After the DRU registration has been approved, step-by-step instructions on how to apply for extra time and concessions on the Wits 足球竞彩app排名 Self-Service portal will be provided in the DRU registration confirmation email.
    • After submitting the extra time application, upload the original Wits faculty letter indicating “rest of university career” as the required document for Concessions for Tests/Exams in 足球竞彩app排名 Centre or Documents and Communication.
    • The DRU and CHWC will review the document before approving the application. The student will receive communication via their Wits student email
  3. Returning students whose applications are approved will receive a university letter indicating any approved extra time and concessions. It is the student's responsibility to inform their course coordinators and lecturers about any university-approved concessions well in advance of any tests/exams/assessments and present the university letter as proof of receiving the indicated concessions.



For any queries regarding extra time and concessions, please contact Dr Leila Abdool Gafoor at:


Help for Lecturers

The staff of the Disability Rights Unit will gladly assist lecturers by providing information on specific disabilities and the needs of students who have them. 

  • At your invitation, we can attend staff meetings to discuss academic issues of postsecondary students with disabilities and effective instructional methods for these students.
  • You are also always welcome to visit our offices to experience first-hand the processes involved in supporting students with disabilities or to have your queries answered.

Lecturers Guide to Assisting 足球竞彩app排名's with Disabilities 

The Disability Rights Unit has also compiled the Guide to Teaching 足球竞彩app排名s with Disabilities to provide helpful tips on teaching students with disabilities.


As one of the leading disability support units at tertiary institutions in South Africa, the Wits Disability Rights Unit is often contacted by various stakeholders who have a keen interest in providing bursaries and other funding opportunities to students with disabilities

To increase the reach of these opportunities they are regularly posted  on our Facebook and Instagram social media pages:

Facebook:    Wits DRU Facebook Page

Please note that these opportunities are for Wits students with disabilities only, and all applicants will need to provide valid proof of disability and proof of Wits registration for the current year. 



Over the years the Disability Rights Unit has been wonderfully supported by many outside organisations.

We strive to provide an outstanding support service to all students with disabilities, and with the added support of our donors, we continually look to new emerging and innovative technologies and programs to further enrich and strengthen students studying at Wits.


If you would like to contribute to the Disability Rights Unit, please contact Dr Leila Abdool Gafoor on:  27(0)11 717 9151 or 

Assessments & Reasonable Accommodations

DRU undertakes assessments to determine if the student has a disability hindering educational access.

The Assessment Process

  • This involves interviews with the student and a review of documentation provided by physicians and other clinicians (such as psychologists, audiologists, or optometrists).
  • Once approved, the student can register with DRU and will then be able to utilise the many available resources offered by DRU.

Reasonable Accommodations

Depending on the disability, students may require programme modifications referred to as ‘reasonable accommodations. These could include one or more of the following:

  • A reduced course load
  • Academic adjustments or modifications in instructional methods - (E.g. Electronic and braille textbooks and course material, extra time for tests and examinations) 
Assistive Technology Computer Centres

DRU has specialist computer centres at various locations around campus, all of which are accessible and equipped with state-of-the-art technology and equipment.

Our computer centres are open to all students with disabilities who use assistive technology including:

  • Screen readers and magnifiers
  • Literacy support software
  • Voice recognition
  • Braille displays
  • Loop systems
  • Eye-trackers
  • Various other technologies
Test & Training Centre

DRU boasts a fully accessible Test & Training Centre which serves as: 

  • A test and exam venue with invigilation services for students using assistive technology
  • A fully accessible venue for hosting training workshops, tutorials, etc.
Orientation Programme for New 足球竞彩app排名s

DRU runs an orientation programme early in the year for newly registered students with disabilities.

足球竞彩app排名s with visual and physical impairments, in particular, are advised to attend this programme as it will assist them with: 

  • Physical orientation
  • IT training
  • Mobility training
  • Other essential skills
Physical Access

DRU works tirelessly to make all campuses fully accessible for all students.

Although not all buildings may be fully accessible (due to certain restrictions such as heritage status, etc.) the DRU is instrumental in organising structural or organisational adjustments to enable students with disabilities to attend their classes or, if required, find alternative ways of making the curriculum accessible.

Applicants are encouraged to visit the University at an early stage in their application in order to assess the suitability and accessibility of departments, lecture venues and living accommodations, and to identify the level of support and facilities available. If a student's requirements are known well in advance, the University will try its best to make the necessary adaptations for the student.

Other Services for 足球竞彩app排名s with Disabilities
  • Campus Health and Wellness Centre – an on-site medical facility providing students with well-being and health-related services. All applications for extra-time are made at this unit
  • Counselling and Careers Development Unit – providing a vast array of services related to personal and career development, such as, career counselling and assessments, personal therapy, graduate recruitment programmes and workplace skills. 足球竞彩app排名s are advised to undergo career assessments/counselling before making a career decision
  • Sports Administration - students with disabilities are encouraged to participate in sports to further enrich their university experience
  • Financial Aid Office - assists students with all their funding matters, such as application for financial aid
  • Libraries – libraries have specific sections equipped with computers with assistive technology allowing easy access to the numerous media and catalogues for students with disabilities
Services for 足球竞彩app排名 with Disabilities

DRU’s Academic and Facilities Access Coordinator will assist staff with disabilities with requests for reasonable accommodations.

All requests are subject to a review in order to determine the nature and extent of the request, the financial implications of the request, as well as the availability of existing resources.

A final decision will be made after consultations with key stakeholders and in accordance with the relevant Wits policies and guidelines.

Please refer to the Documents section above for the University's policy for staff with disabilities, as well as for the DRU Disclosure of Disabilities / Request for Reasonable Accommodation Form.

For more information please contact Subhashini Ellan, Email: / Tel: 011 717 9161

Disability Confidentiality Disclosure

Your privacy is important to us. All information provided regarding your disability will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will only be shared with individuals directly involved in assessing concessions, reasonable accommodations or providing support services. Disclosure of your disability is voluntary and will not affect your eligibility for services or reasonable accommodations. We respect your right to privacy and will take all necessary precautions to protect your personal information.

By registering with the Disability Rights Unit, you acknowledge that you understand and consent to the use and disclosure of your disability-related information as described above.
