Registration 2025

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Accept an offer, complete the student contract, and register online

  • Access self-service

  • Accept an offer, complete the student contract, and register online before the deadline stipulated in the firm offer letter. Refer to 足球竞彩app排名 Contract Guide and 足球竞彩app排名 Contract Tutorial Video Guide .

  • SA citizens are required to pay the first fee payment before registration. If you cannot make this payment or are awaiting NSFAS feedback, complete the First Fee Payment option after accepting an offer. (You will be required to pay tuition fees in full for the year by 30 June 2025.)

    • Must complete the On-line Fee Estimator (accessible on the 足球竞彩app排名 Self Service Portal) for the annual tuition fees, other related costs and the on-campus accommodation fee (if applicable).

    • Must be cleared by the Fees Office.

    • Must be cleared by the International 足球竞彩app排名s Office before registering. For clearance information to enable you to register click here.

    • The International 足球竞彩app排名s Office is also available to answer queries, for contact details click here.

      International applicants are required to pay at least 75% of the year’s tuition fees before being able to register, and will require clearance from the  International 足球竞彩app排名s Office and the Fees Office. (You will be required to pay tuition fees in full for the year by 30 June 2025.) International students need to refer to the 2025 Information for International 足球竞彩app排名s.

  • Click the Fee Estimator tile to generate an annual fee estimate for an academic programme that you are either active in or have applied for.

  • Residence applicants must have accepted the residence offer and paid the deposit in order to be allowed into a residence after registration.

First Fee Payment

All self-funded applicants are required to make a first fee payment towards fees BEFORE registration. This is a standard amount of R9 340 that is applicable to all students (excluding international students). Applicants will not be able to register if this amount is not paid. Payments via EFT should be made 4 days in advance to clear before registration. 

  • If you cannot make this payment by the time you register, you can apply for a First Fee payment postponement. Refer to the First Fee Payment Postponement Guide . This Fee is part of your total academic charge which is payable by the end of April. Local 足球竞彩app排名s can complete the First Fee payment postponement on the student self-service portal (This does not apply to Occasional and Online students).
  • You can only apply for a First Fee postponement if you have been offered, and have accepted, a place in a programme.

  • The first fee payment is not applicable if you:

    • have been made a provisional offer for NSFAS funding for 2024
    • have been given a full Wits University Scholarship.
    • Sponsored students can load their sponsor letters on the student self-service portal under the Financial Aid tile.
    • NSFAS funded students will be cleared automatically if the University has been informed of their funding status.

Information on fees, terms and conditions, and funding

Online Biographical Questionnaire

Please complete this survey while registering on the self-service portal. The University collects biographical information from all first-year undergraduate students to develop a better understanding of the financial, educational and social needs of our students. The information obtained from this questionnaire will assist the University in offering relevant and responsive support throughout your studies.

  • 足球竞彩app排名s may be required to reset their password on the self-service portal to complete the survey. Should you experience any difficulties with the password, please contact Wits ICT at 011 717 1717. For any queries regarding the questionnaire, please contact | 011 717 1175/73.

  • To download the one-page guide to completing the BQ, click here. For a more detailed guide to completing the BQ, click here.

Click here for online and assisted registration dates
