Human Resources
How Human Resources is structured at Wits
At Wits, our Human Resources (HR) Department is structured into various divisions, including a central HR Directorate including HR Systems, Employee Relations and the HR Development Unit. Faculty HR divisions fall under faculty deans.
HR Directorate is responsible for overseeing all policies at the University. The HR Operations and Remuneration portfolio oversees remuneration and benefits, medical aid and pensions.
HRDU focuses on People and Organisational Development at the University and offers staff a variety of professional learning opportunities.
Central HR
Mr Tshepo Mphai | Human Resources Manager |
Human Resources Development Unit
Dr Chantelle Murray | HRDU Head |
Remuneration Office, Pensions and Medical Aid
Mr Sudesh Harduth | Director: HR Operations & Remuneration |
Employee Relations (ER)
Employee Relations is responsible for advising, coaching and assisting managers and supervisors around best practices in the management of staff, and ensuring that the University complies with its statutory responsibilities towards staff through interpretation and application of the relevant statutes and case law. ER represents the University, where appropriate, at meetings with the representative trade unions and at the CCMA.
ER works with Faculty and Central HR Managers, the Office of Transformation and Employment Equity and CLTD to provide a cohesive and effective approach to employee relations.
Contact us:
Miss Betina Fleming | Director: Employee Relations |
HR Systems (HRIS)
The HRIS team is dedicated to the development and management of integrated HRIS, using technology to streamline processes. This includes offering clear reports, ensuring data accuracy, and supporting and educating user groups.
HRIS provides functional support to Oracle HR Modules.
The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and other systems allow staff to access HR data and personal information via Employee Self Service and Manager Self Service functions.
Employee Self-Service (i-wits) can be used to:
- Apply for all types of leave and view your leave balances and leave records.
- Amend some personal details such as residential address and preferred name.
- Change your office telephone number.
- View all other data that Wits has recorded for you such as your qualifications, dependents, work permits, staff bursaries, etc.
- Managers can view all the above data for their staff and download (via clip and paste) staff information into spreadsheets.
- I-Recruitment manages the job application process from recruitment to selection and onboarding.
- Oracle Learning Management (OLM) handles the support of all end-user training modules by providing multiple learning delivery systems to all employees and partners.
See our intranet site for more information, or contact the head of HRIS, Mrs Mmankitseng Makgopela-Phora,
Faculty HR contacts
Commerce, Law and Management
Ms Velashka Martin | Manager |
Click here for a full list of HR representatives in the FacultyEngineering and the Built Environment
Ms Queen Tshoagong | Manager |
Health Sciences
Ms Rose Mohale | Manager |
Ms Margaret Deyi | HR Manager |
Click here for a full list of HR representatives in the FacultyScience
Zandi Makasi | HR Manager |
Click here for a full list of HR representatives in the Faculty