DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

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Publications and Outputs

The DSI-NRF CoE-MaSS funds numerous research grants, training opportunities, as well as at least 40 students per year for Postgraduate Bursaries and Postdoctoral Fellowships in MaSS fields. It is important to note that our researchers, fellows and students do not give any of their institutional DHET research subsidy to the Centre. The research incentive subsidy stays with the institution/faculty/school/department where the research was carried out, in line with that Node’s policies and procedures for DHET research incentive funding.

Our DHET Subsidy Policy can be found here: How to cite support from the CoE-MaSS

Attached is a list of DHET-accredited journals (courtesy of the Wits University 足球竞彩app排名) that accrue DHET subsidy for those peer-reviewed publications that are published in 2020. Researchers, Postdocs and Postgraduate 足球竞彩app排名s are encouraged to publish in one of these ISI-accredited journals in order to maximise subsidy earnings to your institutions, wherever possible. A new list for 2021 accredited journals is likely to be made available in January 2021. Please also contact your relevant University 足球竞彩app排名 for additional library-related support, if needed.

To submit a publication to the Centre, please email coe-mass@wits.ac.za

Please view our list of publications, technical reports, digital outputs and seminars by using the navigation bar. 
