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Number Theory

The Number Theory Focus Area covers a wide range of topics in number theory and its related fields such as algebraic geometry, combinatorics, discrete mathematics, and model theory. Although, number theory primarily deals with the properties and relations of the whole numbers, it has become an exciting interdisciplinary field in mathematics with numerous applications in other areas of science such as in computer science and physics.

The role of the focus area is to connect South African researchers working in number theory and its related fields, as well as to facilitate international networking for the members of this focus area.

Number theory is one of the oldest and deepest branch of mathematics. Problems in number theory are often very simple to state, and this attracts mathematician of all ages to work in this field. As a result of this, many of the world’s brightest minds have considered problems in number theory. As we all aware, mathematics is crucial for the development of science and technology, and having number theory as a major research topic in South Africa will inspire young students in the country to consider a career in mathematics. Moreover, several methods developed in number theory have stimulated advances in other fields, such as computer science.



Florian Luca (Wits) Focus Area Coordinator (FAC)
Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona (SU) Assistant Focus Area Coordinator (AFAC)
Adriana Roux (SU)
Arnold Knofmacher (Wits)
Augustine Munagi (Wits)
Darlison Nyirenda (Wits)
Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona (SU)
Dirk Basson (SU)
Eric Andriantiana (RU)
Florian Luca (Wits)
Gareth Boxall (SU)
Karin Howell (SU)
Liam Baker (SU)
Sonwabile Mafunda (UJ)
Sophie Marques (SU)
Walt van Amstel (UP)