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University academics in our Faculty bring their own professional experience to the teaching of health science disciplines. It has been recognised, however, that teaching requires specialised knowledge and skill for which training is necessary. The faculty promotes the university framework for continuous professional learning of academics as university teachers. To complement the generic courses offered by the Centre for learning and teaching development (CLTD), the Centre for Health Science Education (CHSE) provides training courses at several levels for aspects of university teaching specific to the health sciences.

For enquiries, please contact us via

Click here to download the Wits Framework for Continuous Professional Learning of Academics as University Teachers.

The range of courses include:

Health Science Educators course (3 day)

This three-day workshop will introduce an overview of theories of learning and teaching and how these influence teaching and assessment practices. The workshop will provide practical skills to planning, implementing and reflecting on how your teaching practices influence student learning.

Learning & Teaching in a Blended environment

This 3 -hour workshop discusses the concept of blended learning and important considerations when teaching to facilitate student engagement in a blended learning environment.

Writing objectives and creating storyboards

This 3 -hour workshop discusses the role of objectives in facilitating learning and provides instruction on writing objectives for different domains of learning. Storyboarding is introduced as a tool to analyse alignment between learning objectives, learning opportunities and assessments. The tool is also useful to plan the resources and activities needed to create the desired learning environment. ?

Curriculum mapping using LOOOP

This 2 hour workshop introduces the concept of curriculum mapping and trains participants to use the LOOOP platform to map curricula.

Making the shift: Time on task

The concept of "time in the blended space" will be explored in this 3 hour workshop. Working from storyboards, we will explore objectives and associated activities to facilitate different types of learning with the focus on the time it takes students to complete tasks. Understanding this time allocation guides how we plan our lessons and the choice of learning activities to facilitate actualized learning. 

Practical decisions in authentic assessments

This three hour workshop will provide opportunity for lecturers to consider the principles of good assessment practice and to develop assessment structures which are appropriate for their context.

Developing a Teaching Portfolio

In this two-hour workshop participants will initiate or improve a portfolio of teaching which documents their progress as part of their continuous professional learning journey.

Receiving feedback on your teaching

Feedback on construction and facilitation of learning events is a useful way of increasing reflexivity and improving our practice. In the faculty of health sciences, the nature of clinical teaching in small groups over distributed platforms makes utilisation of the CLTD central evaluation facility difficult. To assist academics, the CHSE offers the opportunity for lecturers to request anonymous feedback on their clinical teaching and supervision. In this two-hour workshop lecturers experience the process of requesting an evaluation and how to use this feedback to improve their teaching.

Click here to view CLTD Evaluation Services.

Click here to view the CHSE Teaching Evaluation Service.


Weekly Professional Learning Series

The Centre for Health Sciences Education (CHSE), in collaboration with the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care (DFMPC), presents a weekly webinar series on trending topics in health science education. 

To learn more and view previous topics, click here.

If you would like to join, you can sign-up for a calendar invite here.
