3rd Year Course/Electives
Cultural Policy and Management offers two elective courses to all 3rd Year students in WSOA. 足球竞彩app排名s can find out about these courses by getting in touch with the course coordinator to secure a place for the following year, since places get filled up very quickly. The following are electives that can be taken at 3rd year:
- Introduction to Cultural Policy and Management: This course covers the value of cultural goods and services; the role and status of the artists; copyright; the micro and macro context of the cultural and creative industry; the value chain in cultural and creative industries; entrepreneurship; business development; and marketing of cultural goods and services. The course teaches content that responds to contemporary cultural policy and management challenges faced by cultural institutions in the African context. The course is designed to groom arts professionals, managers, curators, producers, fundraisers, and marketers who are capable of innovating, developing, and facilitating sustained production, distribution and consumption of cultural and creative goods and services in the African and South African contexts. The 3rd Year Semester 1 Course Code is WSOA 3021A.
- Funding Context in Cultural and Creative Industries: This course introduces students who are interested in the cultural and creative industries as well as arts and culture organisational theory to fundraising, sponsorship and financial management concepts. The course explores fundraising, sponsorship and basic financial management skills required for effective and efficient fundraising initiatives that promote sustainability within the arts. The course critically analyses old and new funding paradigms from public and private sources of funding to open discussion about the importance of building successful partnerships with different stakeholders and how funding issues are central to the role and success of the arts in society. The 3rd Year Semester 2 Course Code is WSOA 3033A.
Programme Coordinator
Dr Akhona Ndzuta, Email address: Akhona.Ndzuta@wits.ac.za
Basic Enrolment and Registration Requirements
Email the Programme Coordinator for a detailed copy of the Course Outline. There are ONLY 20 places available to each elective and as such only students with an average of 65% in their 2nd Year are accepted for CPM electives. Registration forms should be approved and signed off by the responsible CPM Course Coordinator.
For further Information about 3rd Year Programme contact Dr Akhona Ndzuta, Akhona.Ndzuta@wits.ac.za , For application, enrolment, and registration Contact Hamisha Bhana on; Hamisha.Bhana@wits.ac.za