cultural policy management department staff
Cultural Policy Management The Cultural Policy and Management Department in the Wits School of Arts (CPM) offers industry aligned experiential and decolonised curriculum which is informed by social pedagogy philosophy. Contact Us
Cultural Policy Management The Cultural Policy and Management Department in the Wits School of Arts (CPM) offers industry aligned experiential and decolonised curriculum which is informed by social pedagogy philosophy. Contact Us
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Cultural Policy and Management

The Cultural Policy and Management Department (CPM) prepares students for entry into the diverse and exciting world of cultural policy, cultural economy, city making, cultural management, cultural leadership and activism, cultural administration and arts marketing. The post graduate degrees encourage both recent graduates as well as mid-career professionals in the creative sector aiming to consolidate their grasp and practice of the field.

The Cultural Policy and Management department in the Wits School of Arts offers electives for 3rd and 4th year, course work in the Honours and Masters years, degrees by research in the MA and PhD level as well as short courses on many of our courses.

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Administration for application, enrolment and registration, contact Hamisha Bhana on:


Administration for Application, enrolment and registration, contact: General enquiries:
