Please note: Upcoming events will be listed on this page. Stay Tuned!
For any queries, email info.wam@wits.ac.za or call 011 717 1358
Walkabout @JGCBA

Join us at WAM in the JGCBA this Saturday 8 February from 11:30 for the second walkabout of Paper with curator David Paton. He will share insights and perspectives on the exhibition— don’t miss it! The exhibition features books in which paper plays the starring role, such as books about paper and papermaking. On view are books highlighting papercutting, folding, marbling, pulp-painting and watermarking, as well as books made from handmade or unusual papers. Limited on-street parking is available, but we encourage the use of ride hailing systems for convenience. Entrance is free. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information on the event and museum please email Ciara.Struwig@wits.ac.za