Community Engagement
Alexandra Health Centre and University Clinic
The Alexander Health Centre (AHC) is a non-governmental organisation situated in the Alexandra township in the Gauteng province. The AHC is funded by the provincial government, donors and charitable organizations. This health centre serves a population that has rapidly increased over the past four years from 250 000 to approximately 500 000 people. The services provided include diagnosis and treatment of acute ailments, antenatal delivery and postnatal care, growth monitoring and immunization, family planning, outreach services in occupational health, school health and home visits for the elderly, the disabled and chronically ill.
The nature of services and facilities the AHC and the Alex community offers a conducive, multi-disciplinary environment for community-based teaching and learning for our students in the undergraduate programme. First year nursing students are allocated to the AHC and the Alex community for orientation to community health issues, environmental health and community assessment during the first six months of their PBL/CBE curriculum. Fourth year nursing students learn and deliver (supervised) services in relation to midwifery, women s health and maternal and child health.
The AHC has served the Alex community for 70 years. It continues to play a significant role in developing communities own resource people and in the training of PHC clinicians for comprehensive health care at district level.