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Why Study Spanish? 

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is the official language of Spain, most Latin American countries, and Equatorial Guinea. As such the language presents a rich variety of cultures and literatures to learn from.

First Year

MDLL 1007: Basic Spanish Language and Culture

This unit is a language course for beginners wishing to acquire basic Spanish language skills. Emphasis is placed on communicative skills, both oral and written. One period a week provides an introduction to Spanish culture and contemporary life.

MDLL 1014: Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture

As a logical progression from Basic Spanish Language and culture I, this module is designed to further develop the students’ linguistic competence and ability to communicate. This unit familiarises the students with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills. One period a week provides an introduction to Latin American cultures.

Second Year

MDLL 2015: Spanish language and text production IIA

This module continues to provide a review of Spanish grammar and helps to increase vocabulary, accuracy and understanding of texts. Readings are taken from different language registers. The Internet, live radio broadcasts, videos and other multimedia materials are used. In addition, students get an introduction to simple, contemporary prose texts for literary analysis.

MDLL 2016: Spanish language and text production IIB

This module continues to provide a review of Spanish grammar and helps to increase vocabulary range, grammatical accuracy, comprehension of the written text and fluency. The course also reinforces advanced oral and written language skills through practical exercises. 足球竞彩app排名s are expected to have sufficient vocabulary to express themselves well on a variety of topics. The literature component covers a brief history of the literature of Spain and Latin America.

Third Year

MDLL 3029: Modern and Contemporary Spanish and Latin-American literature

Contemporary literature from Spain, Hispano-America and Equatorial Guinea. The literary texts studied in this course vary from year to year. It always involves, however, the detailed study of a selection of genres with the emphasis on critical analysis. It expands students’ ability to apply different literary theories to the analysis of poems, short stories and plays.

MDLL 3030: Negotiating Language

This is an advanced language course intended for students to understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. By being interactive with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible. Besides this goal, at the end of this course, students can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

MDLL 3031: Selected topic in Spanish and Latin-American studies

This course offers specialised study in 20th century Spanish and Hispano-American literature. The literary texts studied in this course vary from year to year. Independent research on a chosen topic is an integral part of the course.

MDLL 3032: Advanced Spanish Composition and Stylistics

This is an advanced language course intended for students to refine writing and language skills and to enable students to interpret a wide range of texts on both concrete and abstract topics. At the end of this course, students can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue.


Postgraduate Programmes
