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CoE-HUMAN 足球竞彩app排名s at Famelab

- BA

Seven of our CoE-HUMAN students participated in the Wits Famelab training and heats between 11 and 12 March 2020.

Our students joined scientists, botanists, geologists, climatologists, paleontologists and others to learn the art of telling a compelling story about complex research topics in a nerve-wracking three minutes.

Leballo Tjemolabe broke down the way masculinity is constructed by religion; Hilton Shibambu spoke about the impact of land use activities on water quality and thus human and ecological health; Senamile Dludla painted a verbal picture of the effects of the rising petrol price on local economies; Gudani Mukoma spoke about how nutrition and lifestyle during the preconception period (before one even considers pregnancy) is critical for future generational health; Ingrid Puseletso discussed the ways violence can be curbed in schools and Marleine Mweji enthralled the audience with her idea of a mobile app to assist migrants in South Africa with accessing basic services. 

Professor Habib, Wits VC, opened the final day of heats, explaining that it is a moral and civic duty, and not a mere luxury, to effectively communicate science to the general public. In the age of misinformation and fake news, robust research together with simple and engaging communication about said research, would help debunk information aimed to malign and intimidate people. In the era of Trump and Facebook feed manipulation, scientists who communicate well, will become national treasures. 

Too often it is said that research remains within the confines of the ivory tower, and therefore becomes meaningless and inaccessible.

足球竞彩app排名 Famelab

Famelab is like the science version of TED X, but with real representation of South African students and their fascinating research. The competition promotes science and technology by creating a platform for young scientists to find their voices and reach public audiences. Famelab speaks to key strategic aims in developing science communication and promoting and popularizing science for public audiences.

More information is available here.
