足球竞彩app排名s Mining Engineering Society
The 足球竞彩app排名s Mining Engineering Society (SMES) is a school based non-profit organisation that focuses on the integration of the mining engineering students at the University of the Witwatersrand into the mining profession and industry at large. SMES is run by a committee of 10 members, who are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in August/ September. The committee is headed by the Chairperson, who is also elected. Additional members may be co-opted as required. SMES is governed by a constitution, which is registered with the 足球竞彩app排名s Representative Council (SRC) of the University.
SMES is the co-ordinating body for various events participated and undertaken by mining students. It also runs the students “common room”, better known as the Orehouse. This is the scene of many a raucous social function – the less said about that the better! The SMES Public Relations Officer writes a regular newsletter for the mining students – other students peruse it at their own peril! This gives news of the doings of the students and the School, as well as providing some light relief in the form of jokes and cartoons.
SMES is not only a social and sporting society. In partnership with the School Council, SMES assists with arranging additional tutoring for junior students, assists students with integrating into university life. SMES also provides support and encouragement, and communicates with companies to secure vacation work for mining engineering.
To ensure that every student leaves Wits University well equipped with all the tools needed to thrive in the industry.
SMES works and hosts events throughout the year to increase students’ network base by offering them an opportunity to interact with various stakeholders in the mining industry.