Wits Transnet Centre of Systems Engineering
Wits TCSE Vision
The Transnet Centre of Systems Engineering (TCSE) supports the Wits Vision 2022 Strategic Framework by becoming the leading Systems Centre in Africa to address the complex needs of our transforming society.
Wits TCSE Mission
Our mission is to develop capability in Systems through education, research and engagement through projects with industry. We partner for systems solutions through lifecycle to address significant challenges and opportunities across socio-technical and economic environments.
Mr Paul Bester 011 717 7492 paul.bester@wits.ac.za (Senior Manager Programmes)
Mr Nic Cloete-Hopkins 011 717 7002 nic.cloete-hopkins@wits.ac.za (Training & Education, Research)
Dr Jessica Hutchings 011 717 7491 jessica.hutchings@wits.ac.za (Competency Leader: Human Factors and Safety (HF&S))
Mr Letlotlo Phohole 011 717 7490 letlotlo.phohole@wits.ac.za (Chief Technology Officer Technology / Competencies)