Wireless access
Please follow the instructions below to setup your wireless access on your laptop.
If you've tried to complete the setup and have been unable to access the wireless network in the 足球竞彩app排名, please make sure your user name and password are correct, you can do so at the student help desk (Senate House, 2nd floor).
VPN access has been linked to the Active Directory (i.e the same username and password used for your email access).
Follow these steps to setup wireless on your laptop:
- Your notebook computer must be "virus-free" and have the latest anti-virus program running on it. (For help in this regard please contact Wits ICT Help Desk, ext. 71717)
- The notebook should be loaded with the latest Windows patches. (For help in this regard please contact Wits ICT Help Desk, ext. 71717)
- Familiarize yourself with the ICT Acceptable Use Policy