Join us at an Exhibition celebrating 40 years of the History Workshop
Curated by Sally Gaule, the exhibition draws attention to some of the key turning points in the life of the History Workshop and to its prodigious and very varied productions from path breaking academic works to engagement in public history.
The exhibition is part of the Southern African Historical Society
26th Biennial Conference being held at Wits University, 21-23 June 2017.
Date and Time: 18h00 on 20 June 2017
Opening address: Prof. Zeblon Vilakazi, Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
Research and Postgraduate Affairs
Venue: Fassler Gallery, John Moffat Building,
Braamfontein Campus East, Wits University
RSVP by 15 June 2017 to antonette.gouws@wits.ac.za
Curator: Sally Gaule. Team: Noor Nieftagodien, Anne Heffernan, Thembani Dube, Gabriele Mohale, Cynthia Kros. Artist: Andrea Rolfes