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No significant impact on learner attainment - really?

Pournara, C., & Barmby, P. (2019). No significant impact on learner attainment - really? A quasi-experimental impact study of a professional development course for secondary maths teachers. In N. Govender, R. Mudaly, T. Mthethwa & A. Singh-Pillay (Eds.), 27th Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (pp. 86-97). Durban.

A Case of Lesson Study in South Africa

Adler, J., & Alshwaikh, J. (2019). A Case of Lesson Study in South Africa. In R. Huang, A. Takahashi, & J. da Ponte (Eds.), Theory and practice of lesson study in mathematics. Advances in Mathematics Education. (pp. 317 – 342). Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-04031-4_16

PME proceedings

Ronda, E. & Adler, J (2019) PME proceedings

Disaggregating a Mathematics Teacher’s Pedagogical Design Capacity

Leshota, M. & Adler, J. (2018) Disaggregating a Mathematics Teacher’s Pedagogical Design Capacity. In L. Fan, L. Trouche, C. Qi, S. Rezat, & J. Visnovska (Eds) Research on Mathematics Textbooks and Teachers’ Resources: Advances and issues. (pp. 89-118). Springer: Switzerland

Identity resources and mathematics teaching identity: an exploratory study

Ntow, F.D. & Adler, J. (2018) Identity resources and mathematics teaching identity: an exploratory study. ZDM Mathematics Education 51, 419-432.

Tensions and dilemmas as source of coherence

Alshwaikh, J., Adler, J. (2017). Tensions and dilemmas as source of coherence. MES9 Conference, Greece, April 2017, Long paper, electronic publication.

Research for educational change: Transforming researchers' insights into improvement in mathematics teaching and learning

Adler, J. & Sfard, A. (Eds.) (2017) Research for educational change: Transforming researchers' insights into improvement in mathematics teaching and learning. Routledge: London.

Mining mathematics in textbook lessons. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Ronda, E. & Adler, J. (2017) Mining mathematics in textbook lessons. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 15, 1097–1114. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-016-9738-6.

Mathematical discourse in instruction matters

Adler, J. & Ronda, E. (2017a) Mathematical discourse in instruction matters. In Adler, J. & Sfard, A. (Eds.) Research for educational change: Transforming researchers' insights into improvement in mathematics teaching and learning. (pp. 64-81) Routledge: London.

A lesson to learn from

Adler, J. & Ronda, E. (2017b) A lesson to learn from. In Adler, J. & Sfard, A. (Eds.) Research for educational change: Transforming researchers' insights into improvement in mathematics teaching and learning. (pp. 133-143) Routledge: London.

Mathematics Discourse in Instruction (MDI): A discursive resource as boundary object across practices

Adler, J. (2017) Mathematics Discourse in Instruction (MDI): A discursive resource as boundary object across practices. In Kaiser, G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13 Monographs, pp 125 – 143, DO

Mathematics Teachers’ “take-up” from professional development

Adler, J. (2017). Mathematics Teachers’ “take-up” from professional development. In Th. Zachariadis, D. Potari, G. Psycharis (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th Greek Conference of the Greek Association of Researchers of Mathematics Education: Mathematical knowledge and teaching practices (pp. 24-35), Athens: GARME

Researchers and teachers as learners in Lesson Study

Alshwaikh, J. & Adler, J. (2017). Researchers and teachers as learners in Lesson Study. In M. K. Mhlolo, S. N. Matoti, & B. Fredericks (Eds.), SAARMSTE Book of Long Papers (pp. 2-14). Free State, South Africa: Central University of Technology

Learners’ errors in secondary algebra: Insights from tracking a cohort from Grade 9 to Grade 11 on a diagnostic algebra test

Pournara, C., Hodgen, J., Sanders, Y., & Adler, J. (2016). Learners’ errors in secondary algebra: Insights from tracking a cohort from Grade 9 to Grade 11 on a diagnostic algebra test. Pythagoras, 37(1). doi:

Can improving teachers’ knowledge of mathematics lead to gains in learners’ attainment in mathematics?

Pournara, C., Hodgen, J., Adler, J., & Pillay, V. (2015). Can improving teachers’ knowledge of mathematics lead to gains in learners’ attainment in mathematics? South African Journal of Education, 35(3), 1-10. doi: 10.15700/saje.v35n3a1083

Turning mathematical knowledge for teaching social

Adler, J. (2015) Turning mathematical knowledge for teaching social. In Jorgensen, R. & Gates, P. (Eds.) Shifts in the Field of Mathematics Education: Stephen Lerman and the turn to the social. Springer. Dordrecht. Pp. 139-150

Evaluation as key to describing the enacted object of learning

Pillay, V. & Adler, J. (2015) Evaluation as key to describing the enacted object of learning. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies. 4, 3, 1-22.

A framework for describing Mathematics Discourse in Instruction and interpreting differences in teaching

Adler, J., & Ronda, E. (2015). A framework for describing Mathematics Discourse in Instruction and interpreting differences in teaching. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 19, 3, 237-254. doi:DOI:10.1080/10288457.2015.1089677

Teachers’ mathematical discourse in instruction: Focus on examples and explanations

Adler, J. and Venkat, H. (2014) Teachers’ mathematical discourse in instruction: Focus on examples and explanations. In Venkat, H., Rollnick, M., Loughran, J. and Askew, M. (2014) Exploring mathematics and science teachers’ knowledge: Windows into teacher thinking. Oxford: Routledge. Pp. 132-146.

Recontexualising items that measure mathematical knowledge for teaching into scenario based interviews: an investigation

Adler, J. & Patahuddin, S (2012) Recontexualising items that measure mathematical knowledge for teaching into scenario based interviews: an investigation. Journal of Education. 56, 1 – 12.

Coherence and connections in teachers’ mathematical discourses in instruction

Venkat, H., & Adler, J. (2012). Coherence and connections in teachers’ mathematical discourses in instruction. Pythagoras, 33(3), Art. #188, 8 pages.

Mathematics for teaching matters

Adler, J (2010) Mathematics for teaching matters. Education as Change. 14(2), 123-135.

Handbook on teacher education

Adler & Pournara (in press) Handbook on teacher education

ERME book chapter

Venkat, H. & Adler, J. (in press) ERME book chapter

COVID-19 disruption could be a chance to lay a firmer school maths foundation in South Africa

Prof Craig Pournara :

Calls to evolve teaching methods

Prof Craig Pournara: The impact of the extended closure of schools is a global concern. Associate professor of maths education at Wits University Craig Pournara thinks the pandemic could be the unexpected catalyst to get maths learning on the right track.
