The Wits Art Museum is thrilled to host the work of South Africa's cultural icon on display until 17 April.
IMPACT presents an in-depth artistic response to a scientific subject—the 2.5-2.8-million-year-old Taung skull.
Event Time:
9:31 AM
Origins Centre
SCIS invites you to a hybrid seminar by Mark Heywood on Rethinking Activism: Protecting peace, people and the planet - The
challenges facing (civil) society
Event Time:
12:30 PM
Hybrid Event
50th Annual Conference of Anatomical Society of Southern Africa. Theme: "Anatomy Intelligence: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Anatomical Sciences".
The Risks of Mirror Life by Wilmot James and James Smith.
Event Time:
3:00 PM
Online Event
Guest Lecture presented by Dr Alain R. Ndjiongue. Associate Professor, Wits University.
Event Time:
5:00 PM
Senate Room
Public Lecture by Professor Marlese von Broembsen