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GCRO map shows more women get 足球竞彩app排名 in Gauteng


More women (56%) than men are testing positive for COVID-19 in Gauteng.

The August map of the Gauteng City-Region Observatory focuses on 'Women and 足球竞彩app排名 in Gauteng' ?GCRO

This August 2020 Map of the Month of the Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) sis presented as a story map and draws on the infection data from the Gauteng Department of Health (6 March - 7 August 2020) and GCRO’s March 2020 COVID-19 vulnerability indices based on Quality of Life V (2017/18) survey data, to understand the ways in which women may be more vulnerable than men to COVID-19.

The GCRO also explore some of the implications for this gender bias in the number of positive cases.

Click here to view the story map.
