SYNTHES (PTY) LTD ORTHOPAEDIC PRIZE In 1960, the founders of the Association for the Study of Internal Fixation established Synthes as a commercial branch for the manufacturing and marketing of surgical products. Since then Synthes (now Mathys South Africa (Pty) Ltd) has become a valuable finance vehicle for research purposes. This prize is awarded to the orthopaedic registrar in the Johannesburg Group of Teaching Hospitals who is deemed to have contributed the most to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in the areas of academic and clinical excellence. |
MANNIE LUNZ PRIZE FOR ORTHOPAEDIC REGISTRARS Mannie Lunz graduated at Wits in 1947. His love for orthopaedics took him both to London and Liverpool where he qualified as an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He returned to South Africa to practise his chosen profession and to retain his interest in teaching by continuing as a member of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Wits. With his rich and infectious sense of humour as well as a heart filled with kindness and compassion, Mannie engendered great affection and respect from his students, colleagues and patients. The prize, donated by his wife Joyce, is dedicated to the memory of a fine human being, a caring doctor, a devoted teacher, a loving husband, father and grandfather. It was instituted in 1995 and is awarded to the orthopaedic registrar who has presented at a meeting, or has published the best paper based on original research. This award specifically goes a candidate who has contributed academically to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and has excelled as a medical doctor. |
SMITH & NEPHEW PRIZE IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY (GEMP IV student) The Smith & Nephew Medical Education Trust awards a number of bursaries for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field of Medicine. This award was established in each of the seven medical faculties in South Africa in 1984. The prize is presented annually to the fifth or sixth year medical student showing the most interest in, and aptitude for Orthopaedics. |
DOMINIQUE NIANGA MASIALA PRIZE Dr Nianga Dominique Masiala was an orthpaedic surgery registrar at the university of the Witwatersrand. In July 2021, he sadly succumbed to the complications of COVID-19. The department and his orthopaedic surgery registrars have established this prize in his name. It is awarded to the registrar in the division of orthopaedic surgery who achieves the best overall results in the final clinical examination.