Dr Victor Allan Davies

MB BCh (Wits) DCH (SA) FCPaed (SA) Registered Neonatologist and Paediatrician(HPCSA)
Current posts
Head: Paediatric ICU and Neonatology Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital Associate Professor Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of the Witwatersrand
Convenor, examiner and moderator: FCPaed Part 2 (CMSA) Convenor, examiner and moderator: Certificate in Neonatology (CMSA) Secretary: Council of College of Paediatricians of CMSA President: United SA Neonatal association (USANA) Course director and instructor: Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) (ALSG-UK) Instructor: BASIC ICU course Supervisor and examiner(internal and external) M Med(Paediatrics) Member: Faculty Board- Wits Member: Wits CPD Committee Member: CMJAH Clinical Heads Committee Member: CMJAH Medical Advisory Committee Member: HPCSA Disciplinary Committees
Published extensively in the world medical literature Frequent invited speaker at local and international meetings. Awards:
- SAMJ- Andries Blignaut Award: Best Multi-Author Paper (1995)
- PV Tobias Medal and University of the Witwatersrand Convocation Award for Outstanding Teaching (2010)
- University of the Witwatersrand Faculty of Health Sciences Service Excellence Award (2014)
- CMJAH Service Excellence Award (2015)
Professional interests
Advances in Neonatology- Delivery room management, Non-invasive ventilation, Point-of-care testing in the ICU, Management of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn, Necrotising Enterocolitis Qulaity of Care in the ICU Medical Education and assessment Advanced life support and resuscitation
Teaching ward rounds and lectures at ICUs and hospitals in the public and private sectors APLS and BASIC-ICU courses
Publications (top 3)
- Davies VA, Ballot DE, Rothberg AD. The cost and effectiveness of surfactant replacement therapy at the Johannesburg Hospital.
S Afr Med J 1995; 85:646-649
- Davies VA, Rothberg AD, Argent AC, Atkinson PM, Staub H and Pienaar NL. Precursor prothrombin status in patients receiving anticonvulsant drugs. Lancet 1985; i:126
- Ballot DE, Davies VA, Cooper PA, Chirwa T, Argent A, Mer M. Retrospective cross-sectionalreview of survival rates in critically ill children admitted to a combined paediatric/neonatal intensive care unit in Johannesburg, South Africa, 2013–2015. BMJ Open 2016;6: