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Past student profiles

Professor Glenda Gray

Professor Glenda Gray was a member of the MSc class of 95. She is an executive director of the Perinatal HIV Research Unit (PHRU), an internationally recognised research unit. She is a paediatrician by training and an Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her expertise is in the conduct of large scale HIV clinical trials, including HIV vaccine, prevention and mother to child transmission trials.
In 2002, she was awarded the Nelson Mandela Health and Human Rights Award for pioneering work done in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV. In 2003, she received the IAPAC Hero in Medicine Award and in 2009, the N Galy Mann Lectureship award at CROI. She is leading the clinical development of South Africa s first two HIV vaccines.

Dr Chuka Anude


Dr Chuka Anude is currently completing a PhD in Epidemiology at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, USA as a Johns Hopkins Sommer Scholar and is also concurrently an NIH Fogarty International AIDS Training Fellow at the Institute of Human Virology of the University of Maryland.

He was a member of the MSc class of 2003. At that time he was a clinician researcher with the Harvard AIDS Institute / Botswana HIV Partnership in Botswana. He has worked for ten years in HIV/AIDS research, clinical care and program development in five countries in Africa and the Caribbean.

Dr Chuka Anude credits the MSc Child Health program at Wits for setting him on a strong academic public health career. According to Chuka, "The excellent teaching from a renowned faculty, mentorship by Professors Haroon Salojee and Peter Cooper (my advisor), and the flexible time schedule made it possible for me to earn my first advanced degree from a reputable university like Wits. I am proud to be a Wits alumni and still talk about Wits to anyone who cares to listen."

Dr Frew Benson

Dr Frew Benson is the Chief Director of Communicable Diseases for the National Department of Health in South Africa. He was a member of the MSc class of 93. He is a qualified doctor and when completing the MSc, served as the Director of Medico-Legal Services and thereafter as Chief Director for a health region in Gauteng.

"This degree and the knowledge gained is of relevance for all of my past and present placements: As Director MLS Child and Woman Abuse (including sexual violence); as Chief Director of a health programme, Maternal and Child health was a key programme managed by me; and as Chief Director: Communicable Diseases. Epidemiology and Research Techniques lectured in 2003 are also of value."
And finally....

Professor Haroon Saloojee


Professor Haroon Saloojee, Head of the Division of Community Paediatrics at the University of the Witwatersrand and the course convenor of the MSc (Child Health), was the first graduate of the MSc (Child Health) programme way back in 1993!

Ms Ntombi Mazibuko

I am currently the Director: Child, Youth and School Health for the National Department of Health. I completed the MSc Child Health (Community Paediatrics) in 2006. At the time, I was Deputy Director: Comprehensive Paediatric HIV/AIDS programme, NDOH.
The degree enhanced my ability to think outside the box and address public health issues comprehensively, especially regarding children. The programme: Child, Youth and School Health supports provincial units with the implementation of policies and guidelines on the reduction of morbidity and mortality in children by focussing on the major causes of childhood mortality; improving children’s access to HIV treatment; strengthening the EPI programme; strengthening school health services and adolescent and youth health programme. 
Thanks to the MSc in Child Health, I am in a better position to handle and coordinate the Child, Youth and School Health activities nationally and provide appropriate guidance to the provinces. This is a comprehensive course which is relevant for public health. I felt more empowered with a better competitive edge and understanding of issues on completion. 


Ms Fennie Mantula

I am currently a lecturer in the department of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences at the National University of Science & Technology, Zimbabwe. I completed my MPH studies in December 2015. At that time I was Chief Nursing Officer in the Faculty of Medicine. I was responsible for organising and coordinating the community attachment programme for MBBS and Midwifery students.

During the course of my studies, one of the course coordinators asked me on numerous occasions if I got any satisfaction from my current job. As the question kept continuously coming, I realised that I had a greater potential towards contributing to the health of the population in a more meaningful way. With the knowledge and skills which had been imparted to me and the MCH competencies I had acquired, I was motivated to develop my career and be a resource person who shares a commitment to improving the health of women and children and reducing health disparities. I endeavour to advance myself further in the field and study towards a PhD in Public Health and function at policy formulation level. Thanks to the motivation I got from the MPH programme. I am prepared to make a difference.

I feel proud to have gone through the portals of the prestigious WITS School of Public Health where I worked closely with first rate MCH experts. I had the opportunity to interact with students from various professional backgrounds and countries and learnt a lot from their experiences. The staff is professional, friendly, supportive and willing to help students through the course and beyond, while ensuring that a standard of excellence is maintained. The skills I learnt on the course enabled me to develop my career and are invaluable in my new role as lecturer in the department of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. I would willingly recommend WITS to anyone with an interest to study MPH in the MCH field.
