The significance of accreditation is that graduates of these degrees are exempted by the accrediting bodies from having to take any further university-level exams before being allowed to take the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) or being admitted to the Professional Interview (PI).
In 2006, the Wits was designated ‘Partnership Status’ by the RICS for the undergraduate degrees in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying. In terms of ‘Partnership’, the previously utilised traditional accreditation process falls away to be replaced by an ongoing relationship governed through threshold standards; a series of performance benchmarks that replace the accreditation of the individual degrees with accreditation of the institution. In 2008 similar arrangements were agreed with the CIOB where the Department was awarded ‘accredited centre status’ which, as with the RICS, replaces accreditation of programmes with accreditation of the institution.
The programmes are accredited by professional associations and South African professional registration councils.