Campus life

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Security on campus

The safety and security of Wits staff, students and visitors is of paramount importance to the University.

Campus Protection Services

The Protection Services Division is responsible for the prevention of crime, the detection and apprehension of offenders, the preservation of peace, and the protection of students, staff and University property.

The University has 24-hour CCTV coverage and security officers on patrol. Mobile vehicle patrols are onsite to ensure the safety and security of Wits’ staff, students and visitors on University campuses. 

Security locations

Security personnel are available to assist you on a 24-hour basis at the following locations:

  • East Campus: Room 1, Robert Sobukwe Block
  • Health Sciences campus, Main foyer, Ground floor, Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Management Campus
  • West Campus: FNB Building
  • Education Campus: Administration Block

Security telephone numbers

We are available at these numbers 24/7.

  • East Campus: (011) 717 4444 / 6666
  • West Campus (011) 717 1842
  • Health Sciences Campus: (011) 717 2222 / 2232
  • Education Campus: (011) 717 3340
  • Business School: (011) 717 3589 

Services offered include:

  • A 24-hour escort service on campus for all students and staff, especially those working late in libraries or computer labs. 
  • Wits mySOS.
  • Campus protection student escort vehicle in Braamfontein.

Wits has teamed up with mySOS to help the Wits community to be prepared for any emergency on campus. Just press the Wits button and a call will be started to Protection Services.

mySOS is free of charge and available from the App Store and Google Play.

Download the Wits mySOS app today

How do you access this service?

  1. Download mySOS for free and register yourself as a user.
  2. Check that you see the Wits button in mySOS. (if you don’t make sure your cell phone number is updated on your Wits profile online)
  3. If you ever have an emergency on any of the Wits campuses, open the mySOS app and press the Wits button.
  4. A call will be made to Protection Services, and they will receive a notification that you have an emergency and your location.

You can find out more about the different ways mySOS can help you here.

Security escort service

There is a 24-hour escort service available for staff and students on campus. This is particularly useful if you are working late. If you require an escort dial one of the numbers listed below and give the following information:

  1. Your current location
  2. Your name
  3. Call back number in case of delay.

Security Telephone Numbers:

  • East Campus: (011) 717 4444 / 6666
  • West Campus (011) 717 1842
  • Health Sciences Campus: (011) 717 2222 / 2232
  • Education Campus: (011) 717 3340
  • Business School: (011) 717 3589
Campus protection student escort vehicle

Brought to you by CPS and the Wits SRC, the vehicle operates 7 days a week between 5 pm and 5 am in Braamfontein.

足球竞彩app排名/staff card

Access to many University facilities is controlled by the use of your student or staff identity card. Please carry your card at all times, and, if lost or stolen, please report this to Protection Services IMMEDIATELY. This is to prevent unauthorised use of your card.

Be prepared to show your card to Protection Services or 足球竞彩app排名 personnel at any time if you are asked. Other officers of the University may require your card as identification in labs, examination venues, and sports facilities. You may not refuse to identify yourself.

Abuse or misuse of your student card may lead to disciplinary action or immediate card confiscation.

What constitutes misuse of your card?

  • Allowing any other person to gain access to, or out of, any facility
  • Being in possession of more than one student card
  • Allowing another person to make use of your card for any purpose, other than to obtain your details for official university purposes
  • Failing to store the card in a manner that will prevent it from being damaged (every card is issued with a Card Holder for this purpose)
  • Failure to report any financial or fraudulent irregularities.
Crime prevention tips

Be aware. Stay alert.

  1. Never leave your room or office unlocked or hand your room/office key or student/staff card to any unauthorised person. 
  2. Keep your money and other valuables locked up or out of sight. 
  3. When moving around campus at night, keep to well-lit walkways or use the security escort services.
  4. Do not leave personal belongings such as bags, purses, books, clothing or other items unattended in public places.
  5. Do not leave valuables visible in motor vehicles.
  6. Keep your motor vehicle locked and make sure your vehicle has an alarm/immobiliser. Physically check vehicle doors are locked.
  7. When off campus, be aware of your surroundings and be on the lookout for opportunistic thieves who may snatch wallets, bracelets, cell phones and bags. Avoid narrow, quiet walkways.  Avoid wearing headphones. 
  8. Avoid displaying valuables when in public, where criminals can see them, such as when waiting at bus stops. 
  9. There is safety in numbers. Travel and walk in groups of two or more. 
  10. Know all emergency numbers. These are on the back of your student/staff card.
  11. Download the WITS mySOS app.
  12. Report any suspicious behaviour in and around campus buildings and in parking areas to Protection Services, and help us keep campus crime free.