The Comparative Skeletal Faunal Collection
The school houses a large and diverse collection of skeletal faunal material, over 1800 specimens, of which a sizeable component is comprised of cranial and postcranial specimens of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) and chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). This comparative skeletal faunal collection, in addition to teaching purposes, is associated with, but not limited to, research conducted in primatology, palaeontological faunal analysis, veterinary sciences, odontometric studies, and comparative anatomy.
The following documentation will be required when applying for access to the collection:
A full proposal clearly setting out the aims and methodology of the proposed study (please refer to the proposal guidelines document for assistance)
A completed and signed Comparative Collection Application form 2018
A signed Intellectual Property Agreement 2018 form
Contact details:
Mr Brendon Billings
Collection Manager
School of Anatomical Sciences
T: +27 11 717 2057
E: Brendon Billings