Convocation Elections Voting for the President and the Exco of Convocation allows you to have a say in who represents you regarding institutional matters of the University.
Convocation Elections Voting for the President and the Exco of Convocation allows you to have a say in who represents you regarding institutional matters of the University.
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Convocation Elections

The Convocation elects the President and the Exco of Convocation members in accordance with the University’s rules. Ten people are elected by the Convocation via ballot (electronic or postal) from among the members of the Convocation

Why vote

Voting for the President and the Exco of Convocation allows you to have a say in who represents you regarding institutional matters of the University including matters referred by the Council, the Senate and the University Forum.

How do you vote

Voting is done through an online voting system that only allows those who receive an email to vote. This is to ensure that a vote cannot be transferred. Voting can also be made through a mailed in paper ballot.

To be alerted when it’s time to vote – Update Your Details here
